Reduce Electricity Costs

Sites can save more than 70% on their electricity costs by working with Wattstor

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Adaptive EV Charger Control Illustration
Transmission towers

How does Wattstor reduce costs so siginificantly?

Wattstor’s technology creates opportunities to save on electricity costs through…

  • Maximising on-site renewable consumption
  • Dynamic and smart-flexible tariffs (risk free)
  • Electricity trading
  • Load management
Solar battery storage

On-site generation optimisation

Wattstor ensures that on-site generation is maximised and optimised.

Our DC/DC coupled battery solution ensures significant amounts of solar can be connected without breaching grid constraints.

All the while, our Podium platform automatically and intelligently takes generation data, battery state of charge, consumption profiles and pricing to decide on the best way to use, store or sell your renewably generated electricity. If cost reduction is your primary focus, the our system will calibrate accordingly to ensure you get the best possible savings and returns from your renewable assets.

Electricity Trading

Wattstor works with select supplier partners to enable business energy users to take advantage of electricity price volatility, whilst maintaining supply cost certainty.

Wattstor will automate the storage of electricity at times of low pricing, avoid high pricing by discharging the battery to site operations at these times, and trade electricity where appropriate. All without the risk of being exposed to high market pricing for supply.

Free Download: Navigating the energy crisis

What are the factors that affect the price we pay for our gas and electricity? And how can businesses navigate these current conditions? This latest Wattstor white paper “Navigating the energy crisis: A guide for mid-sized businesses” covers market complexity, the energy crisis, and more, including…

  • What determines the high cost of energy
  • Navigating the first global energy crisis
  • Our evolving energy system
  • A new approach to energy procurement

Are you ready to unlock your energy freedom?
