Accessing Wholesale Energy Trading Opportunities for Holiday Resort

Improving the business case for an award-winning holiday resort to improve their energy project by accessing wholesale energy trading opportunities

Industry: Hospitality Assets: Solar PV, Battery

Wattstor’s client is an award-winning, eco-friendly holiday resort located in the UK.

Comprising luxury holiday cottages, gymnasium, pool and spa facilities, the resort is a relatively energy intensive operation within the mid-size I&C space.

The resort is committed to the Green Tourism values and had already installed several solar panels and a BESS solution to help them to reach their carbon net-zero goals. However, they lacked overall system intelligence and the ability to maximise their BESS opportunity beyond a simple solar shifting business case.

As a hospitality business, it was of imperative importance that any installation or ongoing energy project did not affect the customer experience.

They brought Wattstor in to deliver the technology that would bring their vision of an intelligent green energy system to life, as well as create value from the electricity markets without risk.

The Project

The primary goal was to improve the benefits of their solar and battery installation by accessing wholesale energy trading opportunities, however the site also needed to vastly improve the functionality of their entire energy solution. This required bespoke integration with their existing hardware:

By working closely with the customer and understanding more about their business, the team at Wattstor ascertained that it wasn’t suitable for them to be exposed to a fully dynamic tariff which would directly expose them to the wholesale price of electricity.

Wattstor integrated the existing assets to enable Podium to optimise the energy consumption and trade in the day-ahead wholesale market through a smart-fixed contract.

Wattstor & Bryt Energy worked in partnership to oversee the switch from a fixed contract onto a smart-fixed contract which eliminated the risks of wholesale supply prices, while maintaining wholesale market trading access. The customer continues to be billed as normal at their p/kWh rate whilst receiving a payment at the end of each month for the trading benefit that is achieved on top of their standard solar shifting.

The Wattstor Solution

  • Expert consultation
  • Podium: Wattstor’s cloud-based forward-looking optimisation engine
  • Wattstor ECD: Wattstor’s state-of-the-art on-site edge controller device
  • Wattstor X Bryt Energy Smart-Fixed contract

The Results

The client has seen a significant boost in the benefits they receive from their energy system. The results below are based on 100kW total monthly flexible load with 6.2MWh availability monthly.


Saved per kW per year


Reduction in electricity bill

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