Top 3 Routes to Commercial & Industrial Energy Sustainability

The green agenda has never been so high a priority. Building back greener, better and more economically resilient is the order of the day, as we begin to look towards a post-lockdown future.

With a global shift towards green policies, significant strides in clean tech, and increasing developments in energy markets, the economic case to boost energy sustainability is becoming compellingly robust.

Industrial and commercial businesses should analyse how they play their part in the green revolution, and use days like today as a catalyst for change. That’s why Wattstor have put together the following list:

Top 3 Routes to Commercial & Industrial Energy Sustainability

  1. Leverage renewables

    Leveraging renewables has never been so simple. With subsidies and tax deductions, policy changes, market evolutions and customer standards all pushing for enhanced sustainability credentials, on-site renewables is the logical first step.Solar panels are the most popular renewable energy generation for businesses at the moment, and for good reason. The price is consistently reducing, it’s relatively easy to install, and sites can easily use existing space (i.e. roof space, car parks, or anywhere with direct access to sunlight).

  2. Look at storage

    Storage provides the ultimate energy flexibility. By storing excess renewable energy, or by charging from the grid at the cheapest times, businesses can hugely benefit from industrial battery storage.Whilst the outlay can appear costly, the return on investment is significant. That said, financing is more accessible than ever for storage solutions, so there are an increasing number of options available to those interested. A recent poll conducted by Wattstor showed that 47% of respondents saw perceived as the main barrier to building a robust sustainability strategy.Want to know more about financing battery as part of a renewable generation and EMS project? Talk to our experts.

  3. Intelligent energy management

    None of the above can reach its full potential without a sophisticated energy management system also in place.

Intelligent energy management that can meter, monitor and controls across generation, storage and consumption in reaction to operational requirements, generation rate and state of charge, all while ensuring pricing signals and market revenues are maximised, is the key.

When it comes to intelligent energy management solutions, it’s worth considering one like Wattstor’s with complete asset and brand agnosticism. This means that regardless of how your site evolves and changes over years, whatever brand of battery, solar or load assets you add or remove, the system will continue to work seamlessly.

Top 3 Routes to Boost Energy Sustainability fro Commercial & Industrial Companies

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